Monday, 29 October 2012

Card Review: Tsukuyomi

Today I'm doing a card review for Tsukuyomi.

This card cannot be special summoned. This card returns to the owner's hand during the end phase of the turn it is normal summoned or flipped face-up. When this card is normal summoned or flipped face-up, flip 1 face-up monster on the field into face-down defense position.

This card has just been unbanned during September 2012 ban list. It has seen no plays at all but this is a card that i thought would be interesting to review. I personally had side decked this card for Asia Plus for trolling purposes and cause it kind of looks cool. It has a Vanguard counterpart also (but I'm not going into that).

Firstly, this card is a monster with a limited card effect. You can just flip any monsters that poses a threat to your plays face down. Secondly, you can use the effect once every turn as it is a spirit monster and it returns to your hand at your end phase when this card is face up. This means that the Book of Moon effect can be used multiple times in a duel which is kinda cool. It has 1100 ATK which isn't high and this means that you can't bottomless it. However 1100 ATK is quite ample to get rid of pesky monsters in the meta that many people play nowadays.

Now let us look at how this card can be used. As i mentioned earlier, it can get rid of pesky monsters. 

Rai-oh preventing your special summon or Duality? Tsukuyomi can kill it.

Same thing. Kill roach with Tsukuyomi.

0 DEF is food for Tsukuyomi.

Face down Christia means you can special summon and thus getting rid of Christia should be simpler.

Facedown Gachi cannot detach materials.

As you can see, the fun and troll things that Tsukuyomi can bring is endless and is only limited by one's imagination. It will continue to stay in my side deck for trolling purposes and because it is the only side deck card featuring a girl (as of now).

Signing Off

Wind-up Rat + Tsukuyomi anyone?

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