Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Lol whut? Part 2

Ya ya, it's old news, promo in Asia.

What this means, is people who were planning beforehand, kinda got scalded.

I don't really care, I'm not playing, but what this means is that:
HEROes are always a good call
D.D Warrior Lady in side decks
Final Countdown got BURNED
Empty Jar got BURNED
Basically every deck that dies to Shock Ruler gets burned, i.e Exodia, Chain Burn etc.
Agents, Dark World and Mermail all remain good choices.

All in all, this doesn't really change much IMO, maybe with Librarian some Junk Doppel or some Offering Gadget with Black Corn and Roach.

The reason this doesn't change much is cos, well, staples aren't promos.

The staple split amongst teammates is still a defining factor anyway.

The only new deck I can think of that benefits from this increased card pool is honestly HEROes. But even then with increasing numbers of anti-HERO stuff in most decks now that's not such a great call maybe.

Sharing 3 Snowman Eaters is gonna be funny.

Anyway, I need an idea for a new deck, Sams are gonna get crushed by March'13, I can feel it.

I want something with SIN Cyber End, but I don't want Dark World, GK or Madolche. I'm thinking some Machina Geartown Beat, hopefully one of you can give me a better idea.

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