Well, its finally back after 6 years! This little guy, together with one of the most imba cards in the whole yugioh card game, Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End, were the main causes of the banlist. Well, when this card got banned, it was sold at a price for $5, at that time no one even wanted to buy it, they thought it would hit the banlist for ever. Until the September 2011 banlist, where it got restricted. Now people are selling it at $60, and people are buying it like crazy! Why is this one of the most imba cards of this game, lets have a look at its effect: " This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster in your Graveyard. Once during each of your turns, you can select and activate 1 of the following effects:
● Select 1 monster on the field, and remove it from play. If you activate this effect, this card cannot attack during this turn.
● If this card destroyed your opponent's monster by battle, it
can attack once again in a row."
First of all, this dude here has an attack of 3000 and 2500 defence, and what make is VERY GOOD, is that its can be special summoned by just banishing 1 light and dark from the grave! Hows that sound to you? Any deck can just run this guy buy splashing veiler, ryko,thunder king rai-oh and sangan! Now lets have a look of 2 iits 2 effects. For the 1st effect, it can remove from play 1 monster o n the field. but it can't attack that turn. Well compared to chaos sorcerer effect, this guy can remove from play monster face-up or face-down, while chaos sorcerer can only remove from play face-up monsters. This means that it can get rid of face down flip monsters, while they can't activate their effects, like ryko, morphing jar etc. Now lets look at its 2nd effect, its able to attack once again if it destroyed and opponent monster in a row. This effect is too good, with its high attack, this guy can run over almost any monster, and attack 1 more time! Even if the monster attack of def is too high for him, he can use the 1st eff and get rid of it! With the new release of darkflare dragon and light pulsar dragon, and the unbanning of BLS, looks like the Chaos archetype is coming back to life! We'll touch on Light Pulsar Dragon and Dark Flare another time. So long folks, have fun dueling!
Sources: Yugioh Wikia
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