Hi people, my 1st time posting ...... So Reborn, Eustace and I went on the team tourney at audio ventura trading at AMK today and we ............ SCRUBBED 1ST ROUND woohoo Reborn brought his lucky bfs, Eustace brought his junk doppel and i brought my Machina gadget
Game 1 Me vs (some dimension rabbit jurrac guy) X0X
1st round = Game loss as i apparently left a limit break beside my opponents deck case and he found out after game 1 which i won with my awesome 0 gadget hand, he called judge and my win turn into a loss =( emo
2nd round Opened with 1 machina geaframe 1 smashing ground 1 gadget and 1 lance 1 fissure i summoned the gearframe search fortress set 2 end turn. Dunno why but all 3 games he had a mst to hit my lance he then proceeded to rabiit me and eat my gearframes face. he exceed into ragia set 3 end turn. i drew another gearframe smashing ground his ragia which was negated summoned the gearframe and searched for fortress again our hand slowly decreased, i was left with 1 set lance 2 fortress 1 gadget and 1 cyber dragon in my hand (1 fortress in my grave ) he showed me a rabbit and went into 2 kabazuuls i could tell he was deciding between exceeding or to poke my only gadget he decided to poke my gadget only to see my lance and end phase his other kabazuuls died which allowed me to push
3rd round Opened with a really bad hand full spell/ trap hand with 1 fortress i set 3 cards and end my turn somehow knew he had no heavy storm as i din see it the past 2 games i stalled with cards like dimensional prison and when i finally drew into a monster which was gearframe i was CHALICED he had 1 set card and 1 dimensional fissure and 1 guaiba shldve known he had a shrink as i had no other monsters and no other ways of stalling i cldnt get pass his ragia so lost
(P.S both my other teamm8s lost too)
Eustace plyed with agents and reborn plyed with dark world
Why the Gearframe face got eaten but the Gadget only got poked?