If you take a look at Shriek's latest post, there was an all Hieroglyph final in a reasonably sized tournament, 41 people.
Now unless this is the only blog you've read, you'll hav read that Hieroglyphs are an extremely easy deck to OTK. Personally they aren't my cup of tea, cos if the OTK fails, you are only left with some pussy backrow.
Furthurmore, with 2 Torrential, it is very likely that your opponent is simply wating for your Ennead before he drops an atomic bomb on your board.
Fuck I hate 2 Torrential.
Here are some ideas how to combat them.
Electric Virus
Personally, I think this is useless as they usually would hav killed you already, however drawing this earlier game could open the board for a big push if your deck is capable of it, considering the low number of traps they play.
Chain Disappearance
This card works WONDERS, Autums eff, call REDMD, CHAIN D THAT BITCH. Obviously this only prevents the OTK, and he could still override to Dragoon which is still bloody big,
Dragon Capture Jar
No shit. Prevents OTK, Ennead will get rid of it, but you probably won't die that turn.
Mask of Restrict
This shuts down their Level 6 producing engine. They are still heavy hitters. But the Shiyu I think it is, can't get rid of it and their only real hope left is backrow removal cards.
And also, Card Car "D" is being splashed into anything and everything.
Seriously that shit is broken, no joke. I mean, it has many balanced aspects but the dafuq is with free +1s?
I'm such a hypocrite, I play Shi'en.
And props to the TGAA guy who finished third, I wonder how he did it, AHEM Card Car "D".......
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Saturday, 25 February 2012
What a day......
Still pissed off with Uncle, when I ask him to change prize he doesn't listen and when Wesley asks he does.
Tell him to pass me COMMON VANGUARD CARDS to do pairing he says NO cos those cards cost money. They don't. Apparently, he thought I was gonna draw on them. LOL, what am I, 4?
So with 14 people he tries to pair like it's some single eli, (double eli) but meh...
Decided to use the flimsy cardboard for Round 2 onwards although I would hav preferred Vanguard cards alot more, I believe it's fairer as there are clear markings on the cardboard and Uncle can take and bend it when he return to me and make me -.-......
Anyway, we were cutting to Top 8, so by math a 14 player three round double eli there would be one slot left after the third round. So in the end I manually counted tiebreaker for the 1 win guy who went up, now imagine if I hadn't been there........
Uncle: 现在是怎样?几个人?
Innocent Judge: 现在七个,还有一个。
Uncle: So怎么办?打多一圈啊?
And he'll complain about time lalalalaa..... Which wouldn't have been so much of an issue if he jus let me settle everything instead of geikiang but I will eventually have to forgive him if not I can everyday fly East side take cards liao sigh.....
Come to think of it, he'll probably say "所以现在 Top 8 一个 bye 啦!"
Realistically, I may have murdered him.
Congrats to Insane Tech YGO, whose three members took 4 of the Top 4 places.
WDF took 3 of the Top 8 and 1 Top 2 so well done to them. Peace.
As for the drama on the venue, I REALLY REALLY REALLY hate being told how to do my job, especially by someone who has screwed it up before. So please, don't teach me how to do my job. I was trying to salvage a messed up pairing which could have been avoided if people jus listened to me, I really didn't need more interference.
Well, that's all from my part. All in all, I'm just pissed that my ideas of better prizes were treated like trash, as well as a better pairing system were all treated like trash and as a whole the bloody thing was no different from those single eli Vanguard tourney Uncle hosts all the time where the potential winners are already predetermined.
The Vanguard Scoreboard at Yew Tee has like, 4 names over 15 tournaments, plus 1 scrub he won a tourney when all the pros arrived late.
The last I checked, we are not scrubby Vanguard players who pay money to lose, or to have fun, hence we should not be treated as such. We can lose and have fun for free thanks.
Tell him to pass me COMMON VANGUARD CARDS to do pairing he says NO cos those cards cost money. They don't. Apparently, he thought I was gonna draw on them. LOL, what am I, 4?
So with 14 people he tries to pair like it's some single eli, (double eli) but meh...
Decided to use the flimsy cardboard for Round 2 onwards although I would hav preferred Vanguard cards alot more, I believe it's fairer as there are clear markings on the cardboard and Uncle can take and bend it when he return to me and make me -.-......
Anyway, we were cutting to Top 8, so by math a 14 player three round double eli there would be one slot left after the third round. So in the end I manually counted tiebreaker for the 1 win guy who went up, now imagine if I hadn't been there........
Uncle: 现在是怎样?几个人?
Innocent Judge: 现在七个,还有一个。
Uncle: So怎么办?打多一圈啊?
And he'll complain about time lalalalaa..... Which wouldn't have been so much of an issue if he jus let me settle everything instead of geikiang but I will eventually have to forgive him if not I can everyday fly East side take cards liao sigh.....
Come to think of it, he'll probably say "所以现在 Top 8 一个 bye 啦!"
Realistically, I may have murdered him.
Congrats to Insane Tech YGO, whose three members took 4 of the Top 4 places.
WDF took 3 of the Top 8 and 1 Top 2 so well done to them. Peace.
As for the drama on the venue, I REALLY REALLY REALLY hate being told how to do my job, especially by someone who has screwed it up before. So please, don't teach me how to do my job. I was trying to salvage a messed up pairing which could have been avoided if people jus listened to me, I really didn't need more interference.
Well, that's all from my part. All in all, I'm just pissed that my ideas of better prizes were treated like trash, as well as a better pairing system were all treated like trash and as a whole the bloody thing was no different from those single eli Vanguard tourney Uncle hosts all the time where the potential winners are already predetermined.
The Vanguard Scoreboard at Yew Tee has like, 4 names over 15 tournaments, plus 1 scrub he won a tourney when all the pros arrived late.
The last I checked, we are not scrubby Vanguard players who pay money to lose, or to have fun, hence we should not be treated as such. We can lose and have fun for free thanks.
Friday, 24 February 2012
Junk Doppel vMarch 2012
3x Gravekeeper's Spy
3x Effect Veiler
2x Doppelwarrior
2x Junk Synchron
2x Deep Sea Diva
1x Krebons
1x Psychic Commander
1x Dandylion
1x Debris Dragon
1x Unknown Synchron
1x Dark Armed Dragon
1x Black Luster Soldier - EotB
1x Chaos Sorceror
1x Maxx "C"
1x Sangan
2x Emergency Teleport
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Mind Control
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Book of Moon
1x Reinforcement of the Army
1x Foolish Burial
1x One for One
3x Call of the Haunted
2x Torrential Tribute
2x Demon Chain
2x Arcanite Magician
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Ancient Holy Wyvern
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Scrap Dragon
1x T.G Hyper Librarian
1x Formula Synchron
1x Tempest Magician
1x Iron Chain Dragon
1x Magical Android
1x Junk Destroyer
1x Gachi Gachi Gantestu
1x Lavalval Chain
1x Inverz Roach
Just something I crapped together only one Sorceror cos I run like 4 LIGHT in the Main. No Brio cos I jus dun like Brio in Junk Dop and didn't even put it in last format. And now with fewer things you'd want to drop, even less effective.
Ofc, one of my favourite OTKs is the Tempest/Arcanite Burn, this deck is quite capable of doing it.
Open to suggestions on how to improve, preferbly more towards to Tempest/Arcanite direction.
3x Effect Veiler
2x Doppelwarrior
2x Junk Synchron
2x Deep Sea Diva
1x Krebons
1x Psychic Commander
1x Dandylion
1x Debris Dragon
1x Unknown Synchron
1x Dark Armed Dragon
1x Black Luster Soldier - EotB
1x Chaos Sorceror
1x Maxx "C"
1x Sangan
2x Emergency Teleport
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Mind Control
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Book of Moon
1x Reinforcement of the Army
1x Foolish Burial
1x One for One
3x Call of the Haunted
2x Torrential Tribute
2x Demon Chain
2x Arcanite Magician
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Ancient Holy Wyvern
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Scrap Dragon
1x T.G Hyper Librarian
1x Formula Synchron
1x Tempest Magician
1x Iron Chain Dragon
1x Magical Android
1x Junk Destroyer
1x Gachi Gachi Gantestu
1x Lavalval Chain
1x Inverz Roach
Just something I crapped together only one Sorceror cos I run like 4 LIGHT in the Main. No Brio cos I jus dun like Brio in Junk Dop and didn't even put it in last format. And now with fewer things you'd want to drop, even less effective.
Ofc, one of my favourite OTKs is the Tempest/Arcanite Burn, this deck is quite capable of doing it.
Open to suggestions on how to improve, preferbly more towards to Tempest/Arcanite direction.
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Maindecking Chain D
Towards the end of the format that is now coming to a close, we saw a sudden trend of Chain Disappearance being Mained. A list of decks that Chain D works against are:
1. Inzecter
2. Wind-Up
3. Rabbit Ragia
4. Junk Doppel
5. Six Samurai
And decks in the meta that Chain Disappearance does shit against:
1. HERO Beat
2. Dark World
3. Machina Gadget
4. Offering Gadget
Which reminds me, of my metagame predictions, I forgot about HERO Beat! I'll rank it 2nd behind Inzecter LOL.
Now, as we enter this format, the predominant deck we are expecting are Inzecter and HERO Beat, with Rabbit Ragia coming in a close 3rd.
So should we continue to Main Chain D?
In my opinion, the answer is YES.
Even with the increasing number of HERO Beat decks, Chain D will still be effective due to the new tech that hav begun to use.
Furthurmore, against opponent's who do not use 3 copies of Bubbleman, Chain D allows you to look at their hand!!! This would, in a way, make up for the loss of Dustshoot.
It also helps to totally destroy the Inzecter engine should you be able to hit the Damsel or the Hornet. Though this does not guarantee victory given the number of floaters the deck has, as well as easy access to Leviair, it should allow you to commit to the board with less fear of being herp derped over and blown up.
Against Rabbit decks, this would effectively shut down their main engine, almost totally here in the OCG, as without Tour Guide, Rabbit unable to produce a Leviair. They still however, have access to Guaiba, so this will not kill the entire deck. Furthurmore, some builds Main Return from a Different Dimension, so you could be in for a Ragia, Hope party. Yes I know Rabbit's effect is once per turn.
Following my meta list, Lightlord is 4th, and the potential to hit that crucial 4th name of Ryko could prove to be the game changer, although a Necro Gardna hit would be equally good.
Dark World is almost completely unaffected by Chain D though, so prepare to side them out LOL.
Six Sams have 2-3 valid targets for Chain D, which could either totally hinder their Synchro ability, or slow them down significantly.
All this said, Chain D is a torrid topdeck, but only has full potential in the early game. Hence, it should only be mained in decks that like to end the game fast. Personally, I am maining 2 Chain D in my Six Sams, as I prefer them to Torrential. It also works wonders in the mirror, if I Chain D my own Kagemusha. Muahahaahha.....
Decks that I believe should Main Chain D are:
1. Machina Gadget
2. Rabbit Ragia
3. Six Samurai
So if you are playing these decks, consider the option of Chain D, as Chain D is an engine killer, and if you kill the engine, that's half the battle won.
1. Inzecter
2. Wind-Up
3. Rabbit Ragia
4. Junk Doppel
5. Six Samurai
And decks in the meta that Chain Disappearance does shit against:
1. HERO Beat
2. Dark World
3. Machina Gadget
4. Offering Gadget
Which reminds me, of my metagame predictions, I forgot about HERO Beat! I'll rank it 2nd behind Inzecter LOL.
Now, as we enter this format, the predominant deck we are expecting are Inzecter and HERO Beat, with Rabbit Ragia coming in a close 3rd.
So should we continue to Main Chain D?
In my opinion, the answer is YES.
Even with the increasing number of HERO Beat decks, Chain D will still be effective due to the new tech that hav begun to use.
Furthurmore, against opponent's who do not use 3 copies of Bubbleman, Chain D allows you to look at their hand!!! This would, in a way, make up for the loss of Dustshoot.
It also helps to totally destroy the Inzecter engine should you be able to hit the Damsel or the Hornet. Though this does not guarantee victory given the number of floaters the deck has, as well as easy access to Leviair, it should allow you to commit to the board with less fear of being herp derped over and blown up.
Against Rabbit decks, this would effectively shut down their main engine, almost totally here in the OCG, as without Tour Guide, Rabbit unable to produce a Leviair. They still however, have access to Guaiba, so this will not kill the entire deck. Furthurmore, some builds Main Return from a Different Dimension, so you could be in for a Ragia, Hope party. Yes I know Rabbit's effect is once per turn.
Following my meta list, Lightlord is 4th, and the potential to hit that crucial 4th name of Ryko could prove to be the game changer, although a Necro Gardna hit would be equally good.
Dark World is almost completely unaffected by Chain D though, so prepare to side them out LOL.
Six Sams have 2-3 valid targets for Chain D, which could either totally hinder their Synchro ability, or slow them down significantly.
All this said, Chain D is a torrid topdeck, but only has full potential in the early game. Hence, it should only be mained in decks that like to end the game fast. Personally, I am maining 2 Chain D in my Six Sams, as I prefer them to Torrential. It also works wonders in the mirror, if I Chain D my own Kagemusha. Muahahaahha.....
Decks that I believe should Main Chain D are:
1. Machina Gadget
2. Rabbit Ragia
3. Six Samurai
So if you are playing these decks, consider the option of Chain D, as Chain D is an engine killer, and if you kill the engine, that's half the battle won.
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Some banlist analysis and metagame predictions
After the impact of the banlist had subsided and people start to accept the list, I realised that his format may not be that doomsday money format that many predictated.
For starters, the bans could be seen as an obvious attack on Sychros. Trishula would hav gotten banned sooner or later, as for Bulb and Spore, think of it this way. They wanted to kill the plant engine, players wanted the plant engine dead. By banning Dandy, Bulb and occassionally Spore will still be splashed around. By hitting the tuners, Dandy loses a lot of potential abuse, in a way balancing it. It also allows for innovative Dandy hybrid decks, instead of the usual "I tech a Bulb cos I mill like fuck"
I hav nothing to say about the limits, cos they are both fair IMO. T.G Striker is floaty, a free summon, and Gachi material. Earth was to hit consistency, expect to go to 2 once Agents are totally off the radar.
Semi Limits were all fair, cept for the Smoke Signal and Torrential, however, these were to replace the absence of Inzecters on the list, giving Six Sams and Lightlords the speed to potentially overpower their Inzecter opponents before they start looping.
Call to 3 was to give Dandy varients a slight reprive, whereas Inzecters would need a little boost of their own to make it through all that Six Sam and/or Lightlord.
Expect the metagame to look like:
1. Inzecter
2. Rabbit Ragia
3. Lightlord
4. Dark World
5. Six Samurai
Inzecter and Rabbit are jus generally good decks, that are capable of piloting the pilot to victory.
I put Lightlord at 3rd cos during the Asia Plus Team, almost every team had some Lightlord varient player, considering the proximity to Asia Championships and the extra consistency of an extra Lumina, play should increase significantly.
Dark World at 4 cos they mess Inzecter up, but get totally fucked by Rabbit and so only more daring and meticulous players who can stablize their builds would be expected to pilot this.
Six Sams at 5 really cos the extra Smoke gives them enough support to, on paper, not be afraid of any match up. They don't hav a particularly good matchup against anything per say, jus that they don't really have a bad one.
Anyway, after realising that Asia Champ will be decided by Single Eli, my hopes of a Top16 finish have diminished significantly, would hope the events that day will keep me entertained after I scrub.
For starters, the bans could be seen as an obvious attack on Sychros. Trishula would hav gotten banned sooner or later, as for Bulb and Spore, think of it this way. They wanted to kill the plant engine, players wanted the plant engine dead. By banning Dandy, Bulb and occassionally Spore will still be splashed around. By hitting the tuners, Dandy loses a lot of potential abuse, in a way balancing it. It also allows for innovative Dandy hybrid decks, instead of the usual "I tech a Bulb cos I mill like fuck"
I hav nothing to say about the limits, cos they are both fair IMO. T.G Striker is floaty, a free summon, and Gachi material. Earth was to hit consistency, expect to go to 2 once Agents are totally off the radar.
Semi Limits were all fair, cept for the Smoke Signal and Torrential, however, these were to replace the absence of Inzecters on the list, giving Six Sams and Lightlords the speed to potentially overpower their Inzecter opponents before they start looping.
Call to 3 was to give Dandy varients a slight reprive, whereas Inzecters would need a little boost of their own to make it through all that Six Sam and/or Lightlord.
Expect the metagame to look like:
1. Inzecter
2. Rabbit Ragia
3. Lightlord
4. Dark World
5. Six Samurai
Inzecter and Rabbit are jus generally good decks, that are capable of piloting the pilot to victory.
I put Lightlord at 3rd cos during the Asia Plus Team, almost every team had some Lightlord varient player, considering the proximity to Asia Championships and the extra consistency of an extra Lumina, play should increase significantly.
Dark World at 4 cos they mess Inzecter up, but get totally fucked by Rabbit and so only more daring and meticulous players who can stablize their builds would be expected to pilot this.
Six Sams at 5 really cos the extra Smoke gives them enough support to, on paper, not be afraid of any match up. They don't hav a particularly good matchup against anything per say, jus that they don't really have a bad one.
Anyway, after realising that Asia Champ will be decided by Single Eli, my hopes of a Top16 finish have diminished significantly, would hope the events that day will keep me entertained after I scrub.
Saturday, 18 February 2012
March 2012 Banlist Discussion
Forbidden Cards :
Glow-Up Bulb 「グローアップ・バルブ」
Spore 「スポーア」
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier 「氷結界の龍 トリシューラ」
Trap Dustshoot 「ダスト・シュート」
Restriction Cards 「制限カード」:
Tech Genus Striker 「TG-ストライカー」
Agent of Mystery, Earth 「神秘の代行者 アース」
Semi-Restriction Cards 「準制限カード」:
Marshmallon 「マシュマロン」
Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner 「ライトロード・サモナー ルミナス」
Emergency Teleport 「緊急テレポート」
Shien's Smoke Signal 「紫炎の狼煙」
Level Limit Area B 「レベル制限B地区」
Torrential Tribute 「激流葬」
Ultimate Offering「血の代償」
Reborn Tengu 「Reborn Tengu」
No longer restricted 「準制限」:
Call of the Haunted 「リビングデッドの呼び声」
I actually planned to do a tourney report but this occupied so much on my mind and I grew extremely depressed upon discovering it was real.
And I play Six Sams.
Let's face it, it's a bad list. Even if you are an Inzecter player or Hand Loop player you know the herp derp you are doing shouldn't exsist and if you don't, please kill yourself.
I don't disagree with the bans though I must say, going around the plant engine just to save Dandylion was a bold move which I support, Tori ban was unecessary IMO, but meh... Dustshoot was expected anyway, even if I would personally have liked it to stay.
WHAT I DON'T LIKE is the fact that Monster Reborn is still around.
I support Striker limit and Earth limit though I never thought they would do it but these were the most dangerous floaters in the TGAA deck and fuck TGAA anyway.
As for the semi-limit, all are fine. Smoke Signal to 2 should make me happy but it doesn't. And we really don't need 2 Torrential, my Shi'en just lost even more power.
Call to 3 is fine, Inzecter grows stronger but TGAA and Dandy varients are given more breathing room to stay in Tier 2, yes Dandy decks are still playable IMO. Jus WAAAAY more sacky, and much more boss mob focused. DebrisLord maybe, with 2 Krebons?
I guess the reason we are all unhappy with the list is not cos it is bad per say, everything that moved on the list deserved to move, except maybe the Torrential and Smoke Signal (that's right, Smoke Signal) to me.
We are unhappy simply because the problems that were created were not addressed IN THE SLIGHTEST. I don't think the plant engine is a bigger issue than Inzecter or Hand Loop herp derp, a Veiler could ruin their big plays just as much.
But what's done is done, and honestly, I think I should have known better. After all, this is a perfect demonstration of what I explained in a very old post of "Why Royal Oppression will not get unbanned". I turned away from that opinion the moment I heard rumours that ORCS was released earlier in TCG jus to hit Inzecters. I guess if I stuck by my theories I would have been more accepting of this list.
That said here's a round up of what March 2012 format will be like in OCG meta IMO:
Inzecter will continue to dominate, ofc.
HERO Beat will be a close competitor.
TGAA and Dandy varients will be fucked and see almost no play.
Heiroglyph Dragons will receive same hype as BF when they first came.
Dark World will be a strong but inconsistent competitor in the meta
Six Samurai given the extra Smoke Signal to totally lock down a bad hand Inzecter
GBs to make a slight revival.
GKs to make a slight revival.
Rabbit will be as per normal.
Well I guess that rounds it up, have to start gearing up for the next format. I will NOT play Inzecter or Hand Loop, cos that is not how I want to win, but what Wesley had said today has a point, in a meta where everyone is playing the same thing, if you win with it the most that's the greatest proof that you're a good player.
So I'll jus own everyone with Six Smas
and Six Sams will be the new meta LOL.
But I may focus more on Vanguard now, even if I accept the list, Konami has lost the faith of their players, with such clear evidence that all they want to do is to MAKE MOAR MUHNEEE....
Glow-Up Bulb 「グローアップ・バルブ」
Spore 「スポーア」
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier 「氷結界の龍 トリシューラ」
Trap Dustshoot 「ダスト・シュート」
Restriction Cards 「制限カード」:
Tech Genus Striker 「TG-ストライカー」
Agent of Mystery, Earth 「神秘の代行者 アース」
Semi-Restriction Cards 「準制限カード」:
Marshmallon 「マシュマロン」
Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner 「ライトロード・サモナー ルミナス」
Emergency Teleport 「緊急テレポート」
Shien's Smoke Signal 「紫炎の狼煙」
Level Limit Area B 「レベル制限B地区」
Torrential Tribute 「激流葬」
Ultimate Offering「血の代償」
Reborn Tengu 「Reborn Tengu」
No longer restricted 「準制限」:
Call of the Haunted 「リビングデッドの呼び声」
I actually planned to do a tourney report but this occupied so much on my mind and I grew extremely depressed upon discovering it was real.
And I play Six Sams.
Let's face it, it's a bad list. Even if you are an Inzecter player or Hand Loop player you know the herp derp you are doing shouldn't exsist and if you don't, please kill yourself.
I don't disagree with the bans though I must say, going around the plant engine just to save Dandylion was a bold move which I support, Tori ban was unecessary IMO, but meh... Dustshoot was expected anyway, even if I would personally have liked it to stay.
WHAT I DON'T LIKE is the fact that Monster Reborn is still around.
I support Striker limit and Earth limit though I never thought they would do it but these were the most dangerous floaters in the TGAA deck and fuck TGAA anyway.
As for the semi-limit, all are fine. Smoke Signal to 2 should make me happy but it doesn't. And we really don't need 2 Torrential, my Shi'en just lost even more power.
Call to 3 is fine, Inzecter grows stronger but TGAA and Dandy varients are given more breathing room to stay in Tier 2, yes Dandy decks are still playable IMO. Jus WAAAAY more sacky, and much more boss mob focused. DebrisLord maybe, with 2 Krebons?
I guess the reason we are all unhappy with the list is not cos it is bad per say, everything that moved on the list deserved to move, except maybe the Torrential and Smoke Signal (that's right, Smoke Signal) to me.
We are unhappy simply because the problems that were created were not addressed IN THE SLIGHTEST. I don't think the plant engine is a bigger issue than Inzecter or Hand Loop herp derp, a Veiler could ruin their big plays just as much.
But what's done is done, and honestly, I think I should have known better. After all, this is a perfect demonstration of what I explained in a very old post of "Why Royal Oppression will not get unbanned". I turned away from that opinion the moment I heard rumours that ORCS was released earlier in TCG jus to hit Inzecters. I guess if I stuck by my theories I would have been more accepting of this list.
That said here's a round up of what March 2012 format will be like in OCG meta IMO:
Inzecter will continue to dominate, ofc.
HERO Beat will be a close competitor.
TGAA and Dandy varients will be fucked and see almost no play.
Heiroglyph Dragons will receive same hype as BF when they first came.
Dark World will be a strong but inconsistent competitor in the meta
Six Samurai given the extra Smoke Signal to totally lock down a bad hand Inzecter
GBs to make a slight revival.
GKs to make a slight revival.
Rabbit will be as per normal.
Well I guess that rounds it up, have to start gearing up for the next format. I will NOT play Inzecter or Hand Loop, cos that is not how I want to win, but what Wesley had said today has a point, in a meta where everyone is playing the same thing, if you win with it the most that's the greatest proof that you're a good player.
So I'll jus own everyone with Six Smas
and Six Sams will be the new meta LOL.
But I may focus more on Vanguard now, even if I accept the list, Konami has lost the faith of their players, with such clear evidence that all they want to do is to MAKE MOAR MUHNEEE....
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Every 17th of Febuary we celebrate Banlist Day.
It's a day when Yu-Gi-Oh players all go crazy and do whatever they want without giving a fuck. Cos it could mean the end of our playing lives if Shriek accidental post is real. (say that in a Day[9] tone.)
I'm posting this without giving a fuck, cos it's BANLIST DAY!!! And I can do whatever I want!!
I'm gonna leave the apostrophe code on the title cos it's BANLIST DAY, And I don't give a fuck!!
It's a day when Yu-Gi-Oh players all go crazy and do whatever they want without giving a fuck. Cos it could mean the end of our playing lives if Shriek accidental post is real. (say that in a Day[9] tone.)
I'm posting this without giving a fuck, cos it's BANLIST DAY!!! And I can do whatever I want!!
I'm gonna leave the apostrophe code on the title cos it's BANLIST DAY, And I don't give a fuck!!
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
More stuff from GAOV
Looking at the GAOV spoiler list, there were a couple of cards that caught my attention.
Night Shot 「ナイト・ショット」
Normal Magic Card
Select 1 set Magic or Trap Card your opponent controls and destroy it. Your opponent cannot activate the selected card in response to the activation of this card.
Storm 「嵐」
Normal Magic Card
Destroy all Magic and Trap Cards you control. Afterwards, destroy a same number of Magic and Trap Cards your opponent controls.
But all in all both look extremely balanced and nerfed substitute versions of our classic backrow removal. So they probably won't end up replacing them.
And then there was this,
Varied Evolution 「多様進化」
Normal Magic Card
Add 1 "Evoldo" or "Evoldar" Monster from your deck to your hand. You can only activate 1 "Varied Evolution" per turn.
Why Evol one must balance Dragon one dunnid.... Cos Dragon don't have Westlo LOL. Evol might finally see some play, I might even give it a shot. But Ragia may get limited :( so ya....
And this!!!!
Final Inzection 「ファイナル・インゼクション」
Normal Magic Card
Activate by sending 5 face-up "Inzecter" Cards you control to the Graveyard. Destroy all cards your opponent controls. During this turn's Battle Phase, your opponent cannot activate effects of Effect Monster's in their hand or their Graveyard.
Why the FUCK are Inzecters given a FINAL TURN card? 5 Inzecter CARDS, so even shitty equips and Mantis Weevil this is bullshit Inzecter needs balanced support and 5 Inzecter card OTK is not balanced.
Not that I think anyone will play it :P
But its a SPELL!!!! Why can't Backs to the Wall be a SPELL?!?!
Night Shot 「ナイト・ショット」
Normal Magic Card
Select 1 set Magic or Trap Card your opponent controls and destroy it. Your opponent cannot activate the selected card in response to the activation of this card.
Storm 「嵐」
Normal Magic Card
Destroy all Magic and Trap Cards you control. Afterwards, destroy a same number of Magic and Trap Cards your opponent controls.
But all in all both look extremely balanced and nerfed substitute versions of our classic backrow removal. So they probably won't end up replacing them.
And then there was this,
Varied Evolution 「多様進化」
Normal Magic Card
Add 1 "Evoldo" or "Evoldar" Monster from your deck to your hand. You can only activate 1 "Varied Evolution" per turn.
Why Evol one must balance Dragon one dunnid.... Cos Dragon don't have Westlo LOL. Evol might finally see some play, I might even give it a shot. But Ragia may get limited :( so ya....
And this!!!!
Final Inzection 「ファイナル・インゼクション」
Normal Magic Card
Activate by sending 5 face-up "Inzecter" Cards you control to the Graveyard. Destroy all cards your opponent controls. During this turn's Battle Phase, your opponent cannot activate effects of Effect Monster's in their hand or their Graveyard.
Why the FUCK are Inzecters given a FINAL TURN card? 5 Inzecter CARDS, so even shitty equips and Mantis Weevil this is bullshit Inzecter needs balanced support and 5 Inzecter card OTK is not balanced.
Not that I think anyone will play it :P
But its a SPELL!!!! Why can't Backs to the Wall be a SPELL?!?!
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Another list???
Monster Reborn
Trap Dustshoot
Karakuri Komachi mdl 224 “Ninishi”
Wind-Up Hunter
The Agent of Creation - Venus
T.G. Striker
Rescue Rabbit
Instant Fusion
Pot of Duality
Ultimate Offering
Armageddon Knight
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow
Master Hyperion
Emergency Teleport
Magical Stone Excavation
Mind Crush
Clearly fake, and I don't like it for 2 reasons:
1. Limiting Wind-Up Hunter is about as useful as a battery operated battery charger.
2. Inzecters won't be hit hard enough.
Ya that's about it, we can expect the real list to come out around Saturday!? The official date for the book release is next Tuesday (AHEM...... My birthday.....) and we usually get the it about 3 days before. That said the list has probably already been printed and set in stone, so no more trying to convince Konami that Raigeki is balanced LAWL. But still cannot discount the fact that a last minute change may be made, although I think its never happened before.
Monster Reborn
Trap Dustshoot
Karakuri Komachi mdl 224 “Ninishi”
Wind-Up Hunter
The Agent of Creation - Venus
T.G. Striker
Rescue Rabbit
Instant Fusion
Pot of Duality
Ultimate Offering
Armageddon Knight
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow
Master Hyperion
Emergency Teleport
Magical Stone Excavation
Mind Crush
Clearly fake, and I don't like it for 2 reasons:
1. Limiting Wind-Up Hunter is about as useful as a battery operated battery charger.
2. Inzecters won't be hit hard enough.
Ya that's about it, we can expect the real list to come out around Saturday!? The official date for the book release is next Tuesday (AHEM...... My birthday.....) and we usually get the it about 3 days before. That said the list has probably already been printed and set in stone, so no more trying to convince Konami that Raigeki is balanced LAWL. But still cannot discount the fact that a last minute change may be made, although I think its never happened before.
Saturday, 11 February 2012
LAS Team Lavalval Chain Tournament (11/2/12)
Team name: Asura Kaiser
Player 1: Sebas (HERO Beat)
Player 2: ME!!!! (Six Samurai)
Player 3: Wenliang (WWBF)
Day before tourney, Sebas tells me he has slot, I didn't really want to join cos I wanted to oversee the Vanguard tourney at Yew Tee but what the hell, burning $10 on a Saturday to play with good players sounded cool too.
Round 1 vs Team Putraaaaa (sorry dunno how many As)
Opponent: Vishal (Dark World)
Game 1 - Start first Kizan five backrow. His Raven got Demon Chained and his Gate got MST-ed twice. Managed to drop two Graphas in with two Dragged Down, but the first got Bottomless-ed followed by sheer beatdown I took te game.
Game 2 - He opened 4 backrow, I started with Kageki Yaichi, he only managed to get his Skill Drain after I cleared ALL his backrow, didn't attack for fear of DP or Mirror and I had no other monsters, after which I Acid Golem, got Mirror Forced, then afterwards drew into MST ..... Can't remember how but I got into a Beast and then MST the Skill Drain and GG.....
My MST forever come whenever I need it.
Team Result : OOO
Round 2 vs Team Aequus
Opponent: Shaunewbiez (AA, I dunno if got TG)
Game 1 - Drew no monsters and two United, but drew one Smoke Signal after my Enishi summon with one of the United, took Honourable Retiree and drew another two but no use cos I already normaled and he game me next turn.
Game 2 - Had some board presence early on, then he got Venus which I could not stop and slowly he got the upper hand with Gachi and Hyperion.
Team Result: XXO
Round 3 vs Team with Junqi, Gavin and Kaven
Opponent: Gavin (Cosmos Ragia)
Game 1 - I opened 3 backrow Zanji. He starting 2 MST, and hit my MST and Mirror Force. And I Booked his Rabbit LOL. He also Potted 2 Cosmos and a Dustshoot versus my 2 hand. Took the Cosmos and the next turn I herp derped over his backrow with 2 Kizans which baited out DP and Bottomless. He DP-ed the Zanji, so I normaled my Kagemusha and Barkion. He Cosmos-ed before that, but i has enough to negate one trap and he didn't really draw into anything useful and I ended forcing Warning with a Yaichi, winning from there.
Game 2 - Actually had some control after getting rid of 2 Ragias one with Eater the other with Demon Chain plus Compulse. He managed to get another Ragia out with Guaiba plus Lance on my Enishi with no ammo or other Six Sam then lost all the momentum from there.
Game 3 - Hit slowly with a Zanji and we made quite a few one for one exchanges and I came out on top with a Shi'en. But towards the end became a total pussy wussy and thought every set monster was an Eater when none of them were. Still grew the balls to finally kill after drawing a Kizan.
Team Result: XOX
Result: Died at 3rd round.
Well, I was quite pleased with my personal performance. Being the only Six Sam player at the venue, I think a 2-1 record shows that Six Sam is still playable and hopefully the new banlist will release a Smoke Signal perhaps. We won a playmat in lucky draw so YAAAAY, didn't lose all $30!!!!
Luckily no Inzecter player today to kill us all. But I have some issues with the loss to Agents cos I actually built my deck to beat them :p but what the hell.
Hope banlist hits them hard.
Player 1: Sebas (HERO Beat)
Player 2: ME!!!! (Six Samurai)
Player 3: Wenliang (WWBF)
Day before tourney, Sebas tells me he has slot, I didn't really want to join cos I wanted to oversee the Vanguard tourney at Yew Tee but what the hell, burning $10 on a Saturday to play with good players sounded cool too.
Round 1 vs Team Putraaaaa (sorry dunno how many As)
Opponent: Vishal (Dark World)
Game 1 - Start first Kizan five backrow. His Raven got Demon Chained and his Gate got MST-ed twice. Managed to drop two Graphas in with two Dragged Down, but the first got Bottomless-ed followed by sheer beatdown I took te game.
Game 2 - He opened 4 backrow, I started with Kageki Yaichi, he only managed to get his Skill Drain after I cleared ALL his backrow, didn't attack for fear of DP or Mirror and I had no other monsters, after which I Acid Golem, got Mirror Forced, then afterwards drew into MST ..... Can't remember how but I got into a Beast and then MST the Skill Drain and GG.....
My MST forever come whenever I need it.
Team Result : OOO
Round 2 vs Team Aequus
Opponent: Shaunewbiez (AA, I dunno if got TG)
Game 1 - Drew no monsters and two United, but drew one Smoke Signal after my Enishi summon with one of the United, took Honourable Retiree and drew another two but no use cos I already normaled and he game me next turn.
Game 2 - Had some board presence early on, then he got Venus which I could not stop and slowly he got the upper hand with Gachi and Hyperion.
Team Result: XXO
Round 3 vs Team with Junqi, Gavin and Kaven
Opponent: Gavin (Cosmos Ragia)
Game 1 - I opened 3 backrow Zanji. He starting 2 MST, and hit my MST and Mirror Force. And I Booked his Rabbit LOL. He also Potted 2 Cosmos and a Dustshoot versus my 2 hand. Took the Cosmos and the next turn I herp derped over his backrow with 2 Kizans which baited out DP and Bottomless. He DP-ed the Zanji, so I normaled my Kagemusha and Barkion. He Cosmos-ed before that, but i has enough to negate one trap and he didn't really draw into anything useful and I ended forcing Warning with a Yaichi, winning from there.
Game 2 - Actually had some control after getting rid of 2 Ragias one with Eater the other with Demon Chain plus Compulse. He managed to get another Ragia out with Guaiba plus Lance on my Enishi with no ammo or other Six Sam then lost all the momentum from there.
Game 3 - Hit slowly with a Zanji and we made quite a few one for one exchanges and I came out on top with a Shi'en. But towards the end became a total pussy wussy and thought every set monster was an Eater when none of them were. Still grew the balls to finally kill after drawing a Kizan.
Team Result: XOX
Result: Died at 3rd round.
Well, I was quite pleased with my personal performance. Being the only Six Sam player at the venue, I think a 2-1 record shows that Six Sam is still playable and hopefully the new banlist will release a Smoke Signal perhaps. We won a playmat in lucky draw so YAAAAY, didn't lose all $30!!!!
Luckily no Inzecter player today to kill us all. But I have some issues with the loss to Agents cos I actually built my deck to beat them :p but what the hell.
Hope banlist hits them hard.
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
YCS somewhere in Mexico 1st place decklist and review
I FOUND IT!!! It's on YouTube.
3x Kagemusha of the Six Samurai
3x True Six Samurai - Kizan
3x Maxx "C"
2x Honourable Retiree of the Six Samurai
2x True Six Samurai - Kageki
2x Grandmaster of the Six Samurai
1x True Six Samurai - Enishi
1x Herald of the Six Samurai
1x Effect Veiler
3x Ascestism of the Six Samurai
3x Six Samurai United
3x Shien's Dojo
1x Gateway of the Six
1x Reinforcement of the Army
1x Shien's Smoke Signal
1x Heavy Storm
1x Book of Moon
1x Monster Reborn
2x Demon Chain
2x Solemn Warning
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Double Edged Sword Technique
1x Trap Dustshoot
1x True Six Samurai - Shi'en
1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary
1x Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Boundary
1x A.O.J Decisive Arms
1x Black Rose Dragon ( I think.... )
1x Naturia Landoise
1x Naturia Beast
1x Naturia Balkion
1x A.O.J Catastor
1x Orient Dragon
1x Empty Space Sea Serpant Leviair
1x Mainspring Mine Zenmaines
1x Inverz Roach
1x No.39 Aspiring Emperor Hope
1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
2x Cyber Dragon
2x Puppet Plant
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
3x Rivalry of Warlords
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Dimensional Prison
2x Shadow Imprisoning Mirror
Right, now some thoughts on the deck.
Comparatively, this deck looks to counter the Wind-Up deck with the maining of 3 Maxx "C" and the Veiler, coupled with sided Rivalry. This effectively locks down the loop if it can be established early on. The Veiler is also useful in the Inzecter match up.
I don't really see the point of triple Dojo, personally I would hav dropped one in favour of another Double Edged. Six Samurai are notorious for hiding behind a Shi'en and mass backrow, Oscar's build has used this to his advantage, by reducing the trap count, he can still inflict the psychological barrier of OMG Shi'en with 5 backrow, when all of them could be Dojos. That said, I would rather have a set DEST than a set Dojo anyday.
Low trap count as mentioned earlier, and a key showing in the difference in priority rulings in OCG and TCG. The Bottomless were dropped to the sideboard in favour of those extra deck thining spells, aka Dojo, United. This also allows the Maxx "C"s to reach these traps more quickly hence still be effective despite their low numbers.
Dropping of Magatama was a brave move and rightly so, little destruction can be found in the Wind-Up matchup and Magatama only pulls away one Hornet shoot against Inzecters. (EDIT: Thanks for pointing out, Magatama cannot negate Hornet's activation as it is an equip spell.) Still, I think that he should hav left at least one in the Side, seeing that he could hav faced Rabbit decks, of which Magatama is extremely useful against.
I'm really not a fan of Decisive Arms in Six Samurai as well as Landoise. However, Landoise is extremely powerful against Wind-Ups and considering such a high spell count, against Inzecter and Rabbit too, despite any sort of revivial they may play. Also, the Extra shows us how
many of our bread and butter Exceeds haven't been released in the TCG, such as No.16 Ruler of Colour - Shock Ruler, No.30 Acid Golem of Destruction and ofc Lavalval Chain. All these were instead replaced with Chimeratech and Orient Dragon, considered luxury extra deck choices in OCG.
Moving on to the side. I strongly disagree with siding 2 Puppet Plants and 2 Cyber Dragons. Both could end up being totally useless, especially the Puppet Plants, both are dependent on their opponent's plays and can be played around. I would also have prefered to have sided a pair of Eaters, the only real sides against the Rabbit match up are MST, Bottomless and Dimensional Prison, all of which are cards that simply did not make it to the main.
All in all, the deck was not built to run like your average Six Samurai deck of Shi'en plus backrow. It was built to react to the opponent's key game winning plays, especially for Wind-Ups and Plant Synchro. Against Inzecter the deck would hav a difficult game 1 and I actually hav no idea how he won the Rabbit player in the finals. Game 1 would hav been hard too.
But he did it, so props to Oscar for doing Six Samurai proud. Personally I think this build is not suited for the OCG side even if we hav access to every card in the main and side, mainly because with priority rulings there are simply better things we can run, especially Bottomless.
3x Kagemusha of the Six Samurai
3x True Six Samurai - Kizan
3x Maxx "C"
2x Honourable Retiree of the Six Samurai
2x True Six Samurai - Kageki
2x Grandmaster of the Six Samurai
1x True Six Samurai - Enishi
1x Herald of the Six Samurai
1x Effect Veiler
3x Ascestism of the Six Samurai
3x Six Samurai United
3x Shien's Dojo
1x Gateway of the Six
1x Reinforcement of the Army
1x Shien's Smoke Signal
1x Heavy Storm
1x Book of Moon
1x Monster Reborn
2x Demon Chain
2x Solemn Warning
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Double Edged Sword Technique
1x Trap Dustshoot
1x True Six Samurai - Shi'en
1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary
1x Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Boundary
1x A.O.J Decisive Arms
1x Black Rose Dragon ( I think.... )
1x Naturia Landoise
1x Naturia Beast
1x Naturia Balkion
1x A.O.J Catastor
1x Orient Dragon
1x Empty Space Sea Serpant Leviair
1x Mainspring Mine Zenmaines
1x Inverz Roach
1x No.39 Aspiring Emperor Hope
1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
2x Cyber Dragon
2x Puppet Plant
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
3x Rivalry of Warlords
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Dimensional Prison
2x Shadow Imprisoning Mirror
Right, now some thoughts on the deck.
Comparatively, this deck looks to counter the Wind-Up deck with the maining of 3 Maxx "C" and the Veiler, coupled with sided Rivalry. This effectively locks down the loop if it can be established early on. The Veiler is also useful in the Inzecter match up.
I don't really see the point of triple Dojo, personally I would hav dropped one in favour of another Double Edged. Six Samurai are notorious for hiding behind a Shi'en and mass backrow, Oscar's build has used this to his advantage, by reducing the trap count, he can still inflict the psychological barrier of OMG Shi'en with 5 backrow, when all of them could be Dojos. That said, I would rather have a set DEST than a set Dojo anyday.
Low trap count as mentioned earlier, and a key showing in the difference in priority rulings in OCG and TCG. The Bottomless were dropped to the sideboard in favour of those extra deck thining spells, aka Dojo, United. This also allows the Maxx "C"s to reach these traps more quickly hence still be effective despite their low numbers.
Dropping of Magatama was a brave move and rightly so, little destruction can be found in the Wind-Up matchup and Magatama only pulls away one Hornet shoot against Inzecters. (EDIT: Thanks for pointing out, Magatama cannot negate Hornet's activation as it is an equip spell.) Still, I think that he should hav left at least one in the Side, seeing that he could hav faced Rabbit decks, of which Magatama is extremely useful against.
I'm really not a fan of Decisive Arms in Six Samurai as well as Landoise. However, Landoise is extremely powerful against Wind-Ups and considering such a high spell count, against Inzecter and Rabbit too, despite any sort of revivial they may play. Also, the Extra shows us how
many of our bread and butter Exceeds haven't been released in the TCG, such as No.16 Ruler of Colour - Shock Ruler, No.30 Acid Golem of Destruction and ofc Lavalval Chain. All these were instead replaced with Chimeratech and Orient Dragon, considered luxury extra deck choices in OCG.
Moving on to the side. I strongly disagree with siding 2 Puppet Plants and 2 Cyber Dragons. Both could end up being totally useless, especially the Puppet Plants, both are dependent on their opponent's plays and can be played around. I would also have prefered to have sided a pair of Eaters, the only real sides against the Rabbit match up are MST, Bottomless and Dimensional Prison, all of which are cards that simply did not make it to the main.
All in all, the deck was not built to run like your average Six Samurai deck of Shi'en plus backrow. It was built to react to the opponent's key game winning plays, especially for Wind-Ups and Plant Synchro. Against Inzecter the deck would hav a difficult game 1 and I actually hav no idea how he won the Rabbit player in the finals. Game 1 would hav been hard too.
But he did it, so props to Oscar for doing Six Samurai proud. Personally I think this build is not suited for the OCG side even if we hav access to every card in the main and side, mainly because with priority rulings there are simply better things we can run, especially Bottomless.
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Where the fuck is the Six Sam decklist?
I've been searching for about a day, the Rabbit decklist is out. There was a troll vid by underworld6667, I assumed it was troll, that guy didn't look very YCS winner like. And I can't find it!
Anyway, there was some conspiracy that APPARENTLY it was ruled that Shi'en and/or Beast could negate the destruction effect of Hornet. For anyone living on Mars, THAT IS NOT TRUE. However, looking back at the pairings, our Six Sam pilot was put up against mainly Wind-Up players. Who, the last I checked, didn't run Hornets.
Anyway, how the Six Sam guy had such a good run up to the final against so many Wind-Up match ups beats me totally. Some say he mained Maxx "C", some say he got lucky with his dice rolls, some theorized he played Mizuho/Shinai loop.
If he really played Mizuho/Shinai loop, my thoughts and opinions would look something like this:
Cannot describe how un-Six Samurai like that loop is.
So fingers crossed that our good friend Oscar was maining Maxx "C"s. Then we can actually have something to talk about.
Anyway, there was some conspiracy that APPARENTLY it was ruled that Shi'en and/or Beast could negate the destruction effect of Hornet. For anyone living on Mars, THAT IS NOT TRUE. However, looking back at the pairings, our Six Sam pilot was put up against mainly Wind-Up players. Who, the last I checked, didn't run Hornets.
Anyway, how the Six Sam guy had such a good run up to the final against so many Wind-Up match ups beats me totally. Some say he mained Maxx "C", some say he got lucky with his dice rolls, some theorized he played Mizuho/Shinai loop.
If he really played Mizuho/Shinai loop, my thoughts and opinions would look something like this:
Cannot describe how un-Six Samurai like that loop is.
So fingers crossed that our good friend Oscar was maining Maxx "C"s. Then we can actually have something to talk about.
Monday, 6 February 2012
YCS somewhere in Mexico
I usually dun care about YCS cos Billy Brake deck aka "Plant Synchro" wins, but this YCS caught my attention because the winner was running none other than one of my favourite decks, Six Samurai!
Must have been real sacky! No decklist or feature matches or anything! The coverage was like this guy won this guy, who won this guy, he was using this deck., here's the Top 32 breakdown. There was near NOTHING.
Hope decklist come out soon, I intend to do a brief thoughts and opinions about, and highlight some key specifics about the clear differences between OCG and TCG meta that can be seen in his build, I'm expecting some techs that I would never put.
So until then.....
Must have been real sacky! No decklist or feature matches or anything! The coverage was like this guy won this guy, who won this guy, he was using this deck., here's the Top 32 breakdown. There was near NOTHING.
Hope decklist come out soon, I intend to do a brief thoughts and opinions about, and highlight some key specifics about the clear differences between OCG and TCG meta that can be seen in his build, I'm expecting some techs that I would never put.
So until then.....
Saturday, 4 February 2012
Full Yen Ranking Tourney Report (4/2/12)
After realising my full scrubbing potential by ending up in Rank D. It was time to get back to business.
Number of participants : 9
Deck used : Ascestism Six Samurai
Round 1 vs Wenliang (Junk Doppel) OXO
Game 1 - Started 2nd but he didn'tso anything for Turn 1, I Shi'en 3 backrow end turn, thinking he got Gorz. He managed to get a Heavy Storm to pass after I negated a Reborn. But he didn't have much action that he could do so I just beat and he lose.
Game 2 - Actually had field control but went for Tori tio Demon Chain, eerything went downhill from there, he farmed while I was top decking for things to do.
Game 3 - He managed to delay my Shi'en for two turns but apparently he had nothing to do too.
Round 2 vs Hakim (Ritua) OO
Game 1 - Start first Shi'en, set 3. He summon Abyss set 2. I DEST he Solemn I Maga he scooped.
Game 2 - Control from start to finish with Shi'en, end of game come out Volcasarus to bomb Trag.
Then after the game he show me that his hand is one Zealgiagas one Reborn, but since my Volcasarus actually doesn't deal damage when I bomb him, which we only realised after the game. Maybe I should have rematched after the game to shut KFC. But come on, what are the odds of a top decked Salvage. Anyway, sorry to Hakim if I sounded rude, it's all KFC's fault for standing next to you.
Round 3 vs Sean the teammate (Machina Gadget) OXO
Game 1 - I opened Gateway United Kageki Zanji.
Game 2 - I opened with shit. When I could finally Black Rose, tio Starlight Road.
Game 3 - I opened Gateway United Kageki Zanji AGAIN! This time he had Dark Hole so less lopsided. But good control is good control.
Result : 1st
Pulled crap from the Twin Pack and TP Sean pulled Cyber Sarus. Aragh....
Not much to say, it was a small turnout. Less drama than I would expect, other than the Round 2 thing.
Number of participants : 9
Deck used : Ascestism Six Samurai
Round 1 vs Wenliang (Junk Doppel) OXO
Game 1 - Started 2nd but he didn'tso anything for Turn 1, I Shi'en 3 backrow end turn, thinking he got Gorz. He managed to get a Heavy Storm to pass after I negated a Reborn. But he didn't have much action that he could do so I just beat and he lose.
Game 2 - Actually had field control but went for Tori tio Demon Chain, eerything went downhill from there, he farmed while I was top decking for things to do.
Game 3 - He managed to delay my Shi'en for two turns but apparently he had nothing to do too.
Round 2 vs Hakim (Ritua) OO
Game 1 - Start first Shi'en, set 3. He summon Abyss set 2. I DEST he Solemn I Maga he scooped.
Game 2 - Control from start to finish with Shi'en, end of game come out Volcasarus to bomb Trag.
Then after the game he show me that his hand is one Zealgiagas one Reborn, but since my Volcasarus actually doesn't deal damage when I bomb him, which we only realised after the game. Maybe I should have rematched after the game to shut KFC. But come on, what are the odds of a top decked Salvage. Anyway, sorry to Hakim if I sounded rude, it's all KFC's fault for standing next to you.
Round 3 vs Sean the teammate (Machina Gadget) OXO
Game 1 - I opened Gateway United Kageki Zanji.
Game 2 - I opened with shit. When I could finally Black Rose, tio Starlight Road.
Game 3 - I opened Gateway United Kageki Zanji AGAIN! This time he had Dark Hole so less lopsided. But good control is good control.
Result : 1st
Pulled crap from the Twin Pack and TP Sean pulled Cyber Sarus. Aragh....
Not much to say, it was a small turnout. Less drama than I would expect, other than the Round 2 thing.
Friday, 3 February 2012
Battle Pack : Epic Dawn
If you haven't heard about Tour Guide reprint you must be living under a rock.
Does anyone else think that the pack's name sounds very Pokémon-ish?
And the logic of the pack is for SEALED PLAY.
Wow that's original.
Pardon my lack of understanding on the topic of sealed play, I believe it kinda originated from MTG and is kinda what they still do.
You buy packs at the tournament and build a deck from it if I'm not wrong.
Well, Tour Guide is a Rare, so expect to see it about the same price as Formula Synchron, maybe even higher.
And no Tengu or Zenmaine lol sucks to be TCG.
Overall the pack seems kinda good as it is not filled with crap people will never play like Rabbi-Dragon. Almost every card in the pack revealed so far is a playable competitive card.
Anyway, this is a clear showing that Konami gives a shit that its players are moving on to MTG, so they must copy MTG, which I don't think is such a bad idea.
I just hope they don't end up doing SET ROTATION, cos that would suck.
Does anyone else think that the pack's name sounds very Pokémon-ish?
And the logic of the pack is for SEALED PLAY.
Wow that's original.
Pardon my lack of understanding on the topic of sealed play, I believe it kinda originated from MTG and is kinda what they still do.
You buy packs at the tournament and build a deck from it if I'm not wrong.
Well, Tour Guide is a Rare, so expect to see it about the same price as Formula Synchron, maybe even higher.
And no Tengu or Zenmaine lol sucks to be TCG.
Overall the pack seems kinda good as it is not filled with crap people will never play like Rabbi-Dragon. Almost every card in the pack revealed so far is a playable competitive card.
Anyway, this is a clear showing that Konami gives a shit that its players are moving on to MTG, so they must copy MTG, which I don't think is such a bad idea.
I just hope they don't end up doing SET ROTATION, cos that would suck.
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Card Car "D"
EARTH/Machine - Effect/2/800/400
This card cannot be Special Summoned. You can activate this effect during the Main Phase 1 of the turn this card was successfully Normal Summoned. Draw 2 cards from your Deck, and skip to the End Phase of this turn. During the turn you activate this effect, you cannot Special Summon monster.
I dun know about you, but I think the design of this card is ridiculously bad. They failed to cover many loopholes with it IMO, it is like Exodia decks or even Chain Burn decks can now drop their Reckless Greeds, not that Exodia decks played Reckless Greed, I think. Not so playable in Final Countdown as the Zero Gardna typically took the slot of the only mob you'll wan to Normal Summon.
The good parts though is that it is not totally splashable. HOWEVER, being effectively a Pot of Greed during a top deck war some decks may want to tech in 1. Particularly decks that throw out 1 for 1 exchanges. This will be quite useful when both players are left with nothing.
Which is stupid.
This card is like the best top deck warrior in those both players naked scenarios.
AND it works with Pot.
Can't say much about it yet, but it could potentially end up to be the next Battlefader. A card that has an extremely powerful splashable effect that will just end up being a splashed tech.
EDIT: Maybe can be splashed into Karakuri, it's EARTH, and a Machine and can prevent those crazy Attack Position Komachi from killing themselves. Sadly, it cannot be used as Komachi's second summon.
This card cannot be Special Summoned. You can activate this effect during the Main Phase 1 of the turn this card was successfully Normal Summoned. Draw 2 cards from your Deck, and skip to the End Phase of this turn. During the turn you activate this effect, you cannot Special Summon monster.
I dun know about you, but I think the design of this card is ridiculously bad. They failed to cover many loopholes with it IMO, it is like Exodia decks or even Chain Burn decks can now drop their Reckless Greeds, not that Exodia decks played Reckless Greed, I think. Not so playable in Final Countdown as the Zero Gardna typically took the slot of the only mob you'll wan to Normal Summon.
The good parts though is that it is not totally splashable. HOWEVER, being effectively a Pot of Greed during a top deck war some decks may want to tech in 1. Particularly decks that throw out 1 for 1 exchanges. This will be quite useful when both players are left with nothing.
Which is stupid.
This card is like the best top deck warrior in those both players naked scenarios.
AND it works with Pot.
Can't say much about it yet, but it could potentially end up to be the next Battlefader. A card that has an extremely powerful splashable effect that will just end up being a splashed tech.
EDIT: Maybe can be splashed into Karakuri, it's EARTH, and a Machine and can prevent those crazy Attack Position Komachi from killing themselves. Sadly, it cannot be used as Komachi's second summon.
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