Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Some banlist analysis and metagame predictions

After the impact of the banlist had subsided and people start to accept the list, I realised that his format may not be that doomsday money format that many predictated.

For starters, the bans could be seen as an obvious attack on Sychros. Trishula would hav gotten banned sooner or later, as for Bulb and Spore, think of it this way. They wanted to kill the plant engine, players wanted the plant engine dead. By banning Dandy, Bulb and occassionally Spore will still be splashed around. By hitting the tuners, Dandy loses a lot of potential abuse, in a way balancing it. It also allows for innovative Dandy hybrid decks, instead of the usual "I tech a Bulb cos I mill like fuck"

I hav nothing to say about the limits, cos they are both fair IMO. T.G Striker is floaty, a free summon, and Gachi material. Earth was to hit consistency, expect to go to 2 once Agents are totally off the radar.

Semi Limits were all fair, cept for the Smoke Signal and Torrential, however, these were to replace the absence of Inzecters on the list, giving Six Sams and Lightlords the speed to potentially overpower their Inzecter opponents before they start looping.

Call to 3 was to give Dandy varients a slight reprive, whereas Inzecters would need a little boost of their own to make it through all that Six Sam and/or Lightlord.

Expect the metagame to look like:
1. Inzecter
2. Rabbit Ragia
3. Lightlord
4. Dark World
5. Six Samurai

Inzecter and Rabbit are jus generally good decks, that are capable of piloting the pilot to victory.
I put Lightlord at 3rd cos during the Asia Plus Team, almost every team had some Lightlord varient player, considering the proximity to Asia Championships and the extra consistency of an extra Lumina, play should increase significantly.
Dark World at 4 cos they mess Inzecter up, but get totally fucked by Rabbit and so only more daring and meticulous players who can stablize their builds would be expected to pilot this.
Six Sams at 5 really cos the extra Smoke gives them enough support to, on paper, not be afraid of any match up. They don't hav a particularly good matchup against anything per say, jus that they don't really have a bad one.
Anyway, after realising that Asia Champ will be decided by Single Eli, my hopes of a Top16 finish have diminished significantly, would hope the events that day will keep me entertained after I scrub.

1 comment:

  1. dark world??? jajajajajaja!!!!

    Wind up!!! this is metagame!!!!
