Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Hieroglyphs in the new format

If you take a look at Shriek's latest post, there was an all Hieroglyph final in a reasonably sized tournament, 41 people.

Now unless this is the only blog you've read, you'll hav read that Hieroglyphs are an extremely easy deck to OTK. Personally they aren't my cup of tea, cos if the OTK fails, you are only left with some pussy backrow.

Furthurmore, with 2 Torrential, it is very likely that your opponent is simply wating for your Ennead before he drops an atomic bomb on your board.

Fuck I hate 2 Torrential.

Here are some ideas how to combat them.

Electric Virus
Personally, I think this is useless as they usually would hav killed you already, however drawing this earlier game could open the board for a big push if your deck is capable of it, considering the low number of traps they play.

Chain Disappearance
This card works WONDERS, Autums eff, call REDMD, CHAIN D THAT BITCH. Obviously this only prevents the OTK, and he could still override to Dragoon which is still bloody big,

Dragon Capture Jar
No shit. Prevents OTK, Ennead will get rid of it, but you probably won't die that turn.

Mask of Restrict
This shuts down their Level 6 producing engine. They are still heavy hitters. But the Shiyu I think it is, can't get rid of it and their only real hope left is backrow removal cards.

And also, Card Car "D" is being splashed into anything and everything.


Seriously that shit is broken, no joke. I mean, it has many balanced aspects but the dafuq is with free +1s?

I'm such a hypocrite, I play Shi'en.

And props to the TGAA guy who finished third, I wonder how he did it, AHEM Card Car "D".......

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