Wednesday, 25 January 2012

March Banlist Prediction v2.0

After another 2 weeks in the meta, we enter the last 2 weeks till we get the spoiler list, which isn't really a spoiler cos I think Konami actually wants the players to get the list earlier. Anyway, I think some things on my previous list need to be addressed.

Monster Reborn
Future Fusion

Inzecter Hornet
Mainspring Rat
Magician of Faith
Royal Oppression
The Agent of Creation - Venus
Ultimate Offering
Dragged Down into the Grave
Archlord Kristya

BF - Kalut the Moon Shadow
Book of Moon
Rescue Rabbit
Compulsory Evacuation Device

Magical Stone Excavation

I didn't ban anything different, Foolish Burial is limited for a reason so there is no reason why we should have a 5 time Foolish Burial in one activation. And it's time for Monster Reborn to go.

Limited cards, I guess they really do want to hit Inzecters now, the more I think about it why not? Hand D loop must be nerfed, Rat to 1 doesn't kill it but nerfs it significantly. Magician of Faith, slow. Oppression necessary as they are likely to keep Hyperion, BLS and Grapha in the game. Now for the Agent hit, I guess Venus has to be the one instead of Striker, which would be unfair to TG decks. Ultimate Offering is still stupid good, and Dragged Down has to be the one if they don't touch Grapha which they probably won't. Laval winning in a format dominated by Inzecter means they have some unchecked imba and that is Rekindling. Kristya, nuff said.

Kalut and Book of Moon, give BF some
support, Book of Moon probably not to 3 I guess. MST at 3 was dumb, you could say who really plays 3, but the idea of having 3 in the sideboard anyway was stupid. Everyone wants Rabbit hit and I really don't getit. Ragia is te imba one. NOW, Compulse, I believe TCG should hav the priority ruling by this list, if they don't it won't happen. But Compulse is as good as Bottomless now. And it's harder to negate.

Magical Stone Excavation.

I didn't hit Dandy cos here in OCG it really isn't doing much, you can talk about Cat but Cat was still a played deck then, so is Junkdo ok now I'm contradicting myself. Basically, the reasons "Plants" last so long is cos of TCG exclusives, whereas here in OCG land only skilled players win with Junkdo. It is a skill based deck, auto pilot yes, but you must know how to turn on the auto pilot. OCG players' Junkdo tend to be able to adapt to anything, but playing Tengus and Tour Guides in Plants adds a whole lot of other variables ie, drawing Sangan or Tengus, more liable to field lock. Ok, I hav no idea what I'm talking about, jus that I'm pretty sure Brionac will get banned before Dandy.

As for those who disagree with Magician of Faith to 1, please nuke me twice. Konami reprinted Starlight Road AGAIN. So unless you telling me Heavy Storm or Dark Hole is going to 2....... Hint hint.

For TCG readers, Tengu deserves to get hit as does Tour Guide, and I agree waiting till next March is silly. So IMO, they'll just push EXP5 forward like they did ORCS. Just enough to hit them in Sept, hopefully. Anyway if those two get hit now, it'll be good for the game.


  1. Rekindling to one kills off the engine of lavals, its like master hyperion reduced to 1, the return of oppression (if it does) will not touch rekindling nor krystia (nt all tg agents play krystia)

  2. i think if the list follows this then holy carved dragon will be like inzectors.........

  3. In my opinion, the list makes sense, except for the Venus part. Venus is vulnerable to various plays like wrath,veiler,skill drain,bottomless, complu, warning etc etc. Striker is likely to be hit due to the fact, it sp itself then warewolf come out with wonder magician to bait cards. Not much cards can stop striker coming out. Higher chance of being imited than Venus

  4. I think Sangan will get banned. It's too good, plus you can search Rabbit, or recycle Tour Guide. I am certain that Konami wants to promote Tour Bus. I think BLS may stay another format, unfortunately. I think Earth and Hyperion need to get nerfed. Earth to one, and Hyperion to two. If they bring Oppression, they must nerf Grapha to the ground. His summon is not a cost, therefore he is free. Grapha to one, Oppression to at least two. I think Shi En must stay at one. Rumors have gone around saying he will come back to two. Another card I think needs to be addressed regarding next format is Super Polymerization. A Dark Hero will be released and his name is Escuridao. I think that card will make Gorz and Tragoedia irrelevant. Hero will be a great deck next format, imo.

  5. Er, anon, I think you got it wrong, yes Grapha summon is not a cost but you must still bounce the Dark World mob as it is a Summoning Condition. I can't really explain it, but the mob gets bounced. Also, we are OCG players and have seen Super Poly for quite a while now. While it is potentially game breaking, there is also a cost, and can be played around. As for Sangan, like I said being OCG, we don't feel the pinch of Sangan at ALL. And list is usually based on our meta, so ya that's some food for though.

  6. TBH, the forbidden list won't change at all, maybe 1-2 cards, the limited cards are there for a reason, no way they're gonna bring back a ton of cards from that list....Brio will stay at 1, grapha/hyperion really needs to be semi/Limited, wind-ups need to get hit. Rabbit will probly get hit, inzektors r too new, they probably won't get ruled out, maybe for BLS, it would most likely stay as ocg reprinted them for gold series 2012...when the holy marked dragons come out, yugioh will probably end....I hope they like limit or band REDMD, honestly that card is too broken
