Friday, 23 December 2011

Mini Tournament @ Clementi Report (23/12/11)

Deck used : Six Samurai

Number of participants: 20

Round 1 - Shaun Lim/ChickenNoodle (A.R.A) OXO
Game 1 - He drew shit and i drew Gateway, nuff said.
Game 2 - Turn 1 Declarer Decree, turn 2 Kristya, WHAT IS YUGIOH?
Game 3 - I first turn Beast him, with backrow of Warning and Mirror Force. Next turn destroyed his Gellenduo with Zanji and GM bystander, and Mirror his Jupiter before Warning his Hyperion.

Round 2 - Wesley (Junk Doppel) XX
Game 1 - Showed that Junk Dop > 65 with his Maxx "C" on two of my big plays with Kagemusha and DEST.
Game 2 - Opened strongly with Rivalry but that got Ryko-ed and life sucked after that. Managed to lure out all my backrow and still make a Catastor which I ram into with my GM for effect. Didn't pay off though and we left to top decking and he finally Lava Golem me when I left 2k and I had no way of getting rid of it....

Round 3 - Yew Loong (Offering Gadget) XX
Game 1 - Left him with two backrow when I knew one was D.P, he had no hand he drew a Gadget and activated an Offering, I stared at my in hand Mirror Force. FML
Game 2 - 2 backrow got Xing Zhen Hu-ed and really couldn't do shit after that. Two big misplays in two games....

Score : 1-2
Swiss Ranking: 11th

Yew Loong got the infamous 9th while Shaun got 10th which meant that had Yew Loong activated Dark Bribe both me and Shaun prolly up hahaha, joke with him that he killed all 3 of us. Anw, my bad for not offering to share cos logically I had higher chance to up but if me and I just won and my opponent told me "want share?" I would have LOL-ed.

Good day for my friends though with Sean and Luke both getting to Top 8, well played.

Anyway really have to reflect as I should not be taking shared wins and my misplays against Yew Loong were BULLSHIT! Imagine staring at that Mirror Force at Asia Plus, my life would have ended.

Decided to FINALLY, put in Torrential into Six Sams, dunno how long it'll stay there.

Maybe next time should just play Doppel, only ever topped with that.

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